Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Style and Drama

Here is the latest in the series for BAC. The Bainbridge Athletic Club. Which just so happens to house the universally recognized and notorious CompuTrainer Multi-Rider Center. We are heading into another round of testing, meaning that new results will be available for your review shortly. There will be more big numbers for you to digest.

Please remember folks (during your digestion) that the only way you are going to get faster, fitter or stronger is to do two things:

One: Break out of your comfort zone and,
Two: Stay out.

Nothing we do is easy. You have to get up early. You have to work your butt off. You have to be both a hero to others and a goat to yourself. You can never be satisfied. You must relentlessly want more. Always. More work, more challenge, more responsibility.

The day it becomes easy, the very instant it all comes together in one glorious moment of enlightenment, you have ONE BREATH to enjoy it, because you have now earned another rung on the ladder signaling that additional mileage is necessary between you and that zone.

Champions know this. The guys and gals that regularly visit the podium know this. Winners, leaders, captains and elites know it.

To become your best, to achieve your goals, to assist others as they work to achieve theirs, to succeed and to master your trade, you must BECOME MORE.

With plenty of style and little drama even.

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