Sunday, February 10, 2013

MS 34

Having revised my mission statement for the 33rd time, I set out for an easy run. Dreading the embarrassing pace and guaranteed to be humbling results, I didn't expect much. Just another cold two laps around the park. I bundled up with a jacket and hoodie, my favorite stocking cap and headed down the muddy road. 

There are no red circles on my calendar this year. No big dates with racing destiny. No "A" races and nothing in the way of training motivation. As vocalized so beautifully many years ago, Oh that magic feeling: Nowhere to go. 

It is strange that for the first time in over twenty years I am not counting backwards from the exact moment the starting gun will fire. I am not doing hill repeats, trail runs, LSD jaunts or fartleks. I am not working on a new nutrition strategy or worried about my latest pair of shoes making it trough the winter. Interestingly my lower back feels fine, as do knees, feet and all connective joints, ligaments and tendons. Even the doctor last week in the ER told me I was the healthiest person in the hospital. 

So why the consternation and un-ease? 

Verging on revision number 34, I considered the bigger picture. What is it that keeps me running? Why is THIS (taking a cold breath through my nose and feeling the chill expand in my belly) so compelling? 

Land on forefront buddy boy. Relax your arms. Wave at momma ferrying her two kids in the stroller. Smile at that Doberman. Embrace the grayness. 

As the foot-strikes, meters and breaths passed, a clarity began to overwhelm my internal fog. You are standing on the shoulders of giants, those that have gone before have left a few breadcrumbs, seek them. Intentionally or not, success leaves clues, even Clouseau caught an occasional bad guy. 

Chuckle, snort, grin. Not now Kato. 

Resolve this conflict (please). The only pressure put upon you to succeed is placed there by your own private Mr Ego. 

If the target is happiness (and it is) use the tools most likely to build it with joy, presence and lasting value. One of those tools is a fit body and clean energy to power it. These are intrinsic tools, we know this. But we allow rust, apathy and distraction to limit their use. The good habits created through repetition eventually shape the persona. Good habits (or bad) make you. I am what I repeatedly do. 

And today I ran. Not far or not fast. But I ran. For 28:13 today I was a runner. And a philosopher. And a social scientist. And an artist. And a humanitarian. 

I ran because I run. 

I need no other reason. 

Here are a few other stories to get you runnin; or ridden' or moving relentlessly towards whatever goals you have set for your fine self. 

Why we love to run from the UK Guardian.
A vintage running motivational video.
The essential PRE video.
An early NIKE courage video.
Inner Peace described by the Dalhi Llama.
Tony Robbins on the three pillars of success.

Pics: Two additional reasons: New shoes and cold beer. 

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