Friday, March 9, 2012

Random Cosmic Input

I love it when interesting new items find their way into my tiny spectrum of awareness. Jerry Garcia did an interview with Rolling Stone about a hundred years ago in which he spoke of 'tuning in' to random cosmic input as artistic inspiration. My interpretation of this was that he used the sights, sounds, sensations, colors and synergies of the natural world to form his music; his voice and message. The combination of groove and tone, frequency and vibration, texture and color present in every note he ever played, be them from the twang of his banjo, the slide of his steel pedal, or the trill of his Stratocaster. His wah-wah pedal always made me feel like I was diving in clear, tepid water among tropical fish. How can sounds do that? How can colors affect our moods? Why is four o'clock green?

These combinations, circumstances and unique growth opportunities pop up at an alarming rate if one tunes to their frequency. Indeed, RCIs (random comic input) are relentlessly bombarding our perceptions every minute of every day. The sparrow sings, the wind whistles, dogs bark and brussels sprout. Toss human-kinds ability to communicate and manipulate complex technologies into the mix and the odds of chaos are exponentially enhanced. Given all these variables, it isn't hard to see why we sometimes dummy down and default to a few rigid and limited combinations. Sampling but a few of the infinite number available on the menu we call life.

It is not surprising when we hear the call of the evil doughnut. When the sexy voice of the Pinot whispers our name or the allure of Dollar Bill suggests gross accumulation. There are sometimes too many choices. There is no dearth of cheap crap to buy. Instant gratification is a powerful emotion. Just send $19.95 (plus tax, shipping & handling, service charge and preparation fees) and you can have it today!!! Feel better?


You have been had. Again. Are you, as I, tired of all this? How did you feel yesterday when you put gas into your car? When you bought local, organic, asparagus at the Safeway? When you paid your power bill, insurance and mortgage? OMG, what if you happen to be on medication? Remember when dinner and a movie was considered a cheap date? All these atrocities (operating cleverly under the guise of the free-market capitalist model) have associated connotations, feelings, emotions and RCIs. We can play the blame game, connect the dots in the futile attempt to find the bastards responsible, or start to make alternative choices for ourselves and recalibrate our realities. Take charge of the one thing that we truly own, outright.

Us. You and me. Our thoughts and our bodies and our actions. We can use the input of the cosmos to make better choices for our health, our readiness, our management of stress, and our overall perception of happiness. Despite inflation, greed, corruption and the cost of self medication. If you hang out with positive people the chances are good that one of them will drop an interesting bit of tid for your consideration. If you listen close enough to what is being discussed, the odds increase that you might consider your current view somewhat myopic. If you work past your previous limits the chances of success increase. If you get outside your comfort zone far enough you might see that you were stick in the Twilight Zone. Return control of your own!

We are thus tasked with the constant challenge of reality recalibration. Does yesterday exist? Can we stave off the aging process simply by hearing freedom in the crashing surf? What synergies best perpetuate joy?

Please allow me to add three RCI specials to the menu in today's blue-plate calibration.

What you eat becomes what you are.

What you think becomes what you are.

What you do becomes what you are.

Eat plant based, low inflammatory, natural, non-processed foods.

Think positive thoughts, affirm truth, beauty, love.

Train your ass off.


Ace said...

fuck that advice. i'll be anything i wanna be and rationalize as much as i want :)

KML5 said...

Excellent, rock on friend!