Friday, March 2, 2012

The Barraloona

Ahhh, that was nice. Friday is my "day off". At least the morning. No 0400 iPhone marimba to roust me from deep dreams. After years of detailed research, I have pretty much categorized my REM genres to two:

1) The erotic,

2) The anxiety filled chase.

And while I am quite sure that Sigmund Freud would have some interesting things to say in debate with Steven Spielberg, the facts remain that my dream state, action-filled, adventure flick (in high def and Dolby surround sound), redundantly finds our hero cutting to the chase scene, narrowly escaping the bad guys with guns, to the waiting arms of the femme fatale. That is about it. The background scenes, costumes, instruments of mayhem, transportation props, dialogue (and language), score, lighting, and leading ladies are all interchangeable. I have no control over this, it is Hollywood random. As much as I would like the location to always be Tuscany, the bad guys stumbling Ukrainian idiots and the leading lady Betty Joan Perske, it ain't always that easy. For example, last night (after watching Drive) there was a odd plot-device or product placement ploy, frequently occurring metaphorical red heart-shaped balloon continually being pulled by a barracuda (always from left to right). Weird, I know, but remember this is a dream. in both the chase scenes (on Colnagos in the sun) and the bedroom scenes, the fast fish with the balloons kept appearing in the minds eye of my dreaming self. Shallow waters running too deep, perhaps. Both scenes as you might imagine were hot and fast. WHAT? WHAT IS IT? I wanted to stop and get a reading on it but the bad guys were catching up and I very clearly saw the angelic face of my love interest, smiling…….

So this morning, after a pot of Italian roast and some delightful dark organic rye with peanut butter and honey from Trader Joe's, I set about my work. Mostly dealing with fallout and damage control. In a new billing cycle. The potential rebirth of the RCVman empire and yet another opportunity to move a little closer to the light. Today starts a new training block. Periodization they like to call it. A time to focus on one of the parts, take a measurement of the current level of competence, and begin the process (again) of refinement. In this case the part is affectionately referred to as The Swim. Back in the water we go. It has been exactly 200 days since my last swim. That was the 1.2 miles at the Lake Stevens 70.3. I didn't even swim in Kona the week there in October. As you may surmise, it is not my favorite thing in the triathlon, or any other, world. I really like biking and I really like running, but I would rather get tortured by the mob and rebuffed by the bombshell before doing a 100 free. Seriously.

But I know I must. I will once again try to tweak my 'tude and enjoy the ride. Find some joy and purpose in following that black line. Attempt to convince myself that this is necessary, and a five SECOND gain in the water is worth the time in training away from the five MINUTES I could gain on the bike or run.

Maybe it's my sub-consciousness. It might be mental thing, born of too many dreams of drowning in shark infested waters. I see myself (as others see me) as a poor swimmer. As hard as I have tried over the years to improve, the technique and grace necessary to glide through the water with slippery fish-like ease, escapes me. Doing laps in a 25 meter over-chlorinated pool is a nightmare.

I am going to try something new today in the melodramatic return to water-world. I am going to swim like I like it. Like I actually enjoy the motion and movement, as if it were fun. I am going to smile although no one can see the grin. I am going to sing silly love songs inside my thin neoprene cap and reach, grab and pull as if I was born in Canberra. I am going to set a PR for aqua-happy, take my stroke RPE to Phelps-like levels. I will induce the dream and evoke the vision of 'me as swimmer'. Tarzan ahead of the piranhas. Out of the water with other bikes there as well.

Yes, today we get wet. We dive into the dream, create some change. See August 26 at 0700.

And a barracuda with balloons.


Clo Copass said...

Really curious to hear how the swim went -- could you find a way to take some of the work out of it? Clo

KML5 said...

It was OK. Of course I had to make it more complicated by filming, but I managed a few sloppy laps in 30 minutes. It is work to me, it does not feel natural like riding or running. I do not enjoy it (as much). I see cycling (indoors and out) as play. I might as well put on a hard hat and pack a lunchpail when I visit the pool. Thanks for your support, I will give it a go, GREAT work yourself last night in the HoM!!!!!