Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Could be Fun

At left is our initial interface template for the Olympics Men's Time Trial course. The video is rendering with Part One almost done. As it was shot with a helmet cam the smoothing process is exhausting, every frame (all 60 per second) have to be anaylzed and then corrected in order to eliminate unwanted camera movement. This being a must in my book. I am willing to sacrifice some resolution for the sake of decaffeinated video. Like any day of the week.

Here are some other Olympics Cycling related links:

The Olympics London 2012 site.

Fabian Cancellara rides the course under the radar.

Emma Pooley thinks it favors the strong.

Team USA cycling with their selection process and a couple of features on Taylor Phinney (video) and Tyler Farrar.

An interesting behind the scenes piece with Kathryn Bertine as she tries to grab a spot on the US team.

An in-depth look (along with an executive summary) of training with power.

Benefits of indoor training from USAT

I hope to have the video completed by the end of the week and ready for a test trial run sometime next week. The Men's TT in London is scheduled for August 1. Depending on the starting time (London is eight hours ahead of PST) we are shooting for the following scenario:

Run the course in CompuTrainer Multi-Rider showing video on big screen, data on computer screen, while watching the live broadcast from London of the very course we are riding. Could be fun.

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