Sunday, October 25, 2009


They call them quanta for a reason. Leaps of profound magnitude, in one of the many uses. A quantum leap. Quanta leaps. Like when you went from being a jogger to a runner. From a wader to a swimmer. And my personal favorite, from being a follower to a leader. How about, then, from somebody who rides a bike, to a biker. Big difference.


Attitude. One day, after many, many hours of training and following, you suddenly decide (or maybe it is decided for you) that you are now (pick one) a runner, a rider, a swimmer, or all three. What a glorious day. You have arrived.


And pardon my zen. But welcome to nowhere. It only gets harder from here. Because you are not the best yet. You are not even close yet. You have to work even harder now that you are here. OMG, harder? Yes, quite. Lots harder.


Just keep doing what you have been doing and keep your eye on the now. Stay here. Be present. Do what has been proven to work, Dance with those you came with. Enjoy the ride. This is it. You have made it to here. Welcome. IT WILL GET TWICE AS HARD TILL WE TALK OF THE QUANTUM AGAIN.


Dunno. It's up to you. We need some patience here. We need to appreciate where, how, why and how we got to be where we find ourselves today. We need to pat each other on the back, give hugs and constantly praise each other for getting to here. We are the minority. We are the few. It will get lonely as we move towards the pointy part.

We have a long way yet to go.

Hang in there my friends. There is another quantum leap just ahead.



Anonymous said...

Awesome. I really enjoyed this, thank you.

KML5 said...

It helps me get through some tough miles when I am face to face with my lack of triathlon talent. Sometimes it even makes slow seem OK. Have a great day Frozen.

ej said...

Exactly. Thats why I shook your hand this morning and I hadn't even read this yet. Way to go Kevin and Frozen and all you spinners and barefoot runners out there. Lets all make this year that much better than the last !

(does this sound too spirited this early? maybe need to ease into this new exuberance...)

KML5 said...

The day we have too much exuberance is the day we declare victory.

We are breaking out of the cycle of fear.