Thursday, June 4, 2009

Taylor on the CT

Here is a great clip of Taylor Phinney the CT, tell ya what, for a contrast in riding styles, take a look at his form (above) , power output and position and then compare it to Devon on the VeloTron who is doing some pretty serious mashing. Good thing the VT can handle up to 2,500 watts!

We are sending a RCVman film crew out to the Hood Canal this afternoon to get you (VBA) a "live" first look at the new bike lanes on the re-opened bridge. That should be fun, news you can use.


FW said...

Interesting to see that Taylor's left side pedals slightly toe-in while his right side appears neutral. I wonder if that is costing a watt or two? Did not seem to have an impact on his spinning, and he looked pretty comfortable with his back parallel to the ground. He might have a lower drag coefficient with his elbows closer together.

KML5 said...

I think that sometimes it's biomechanical, a tendency to default to the natural position of the foot. I know that my left foot toes-in dramatically as a result of being pigeon toed and some pretty serious trauma way back when. If I try (and I have) to correct, it sends shock waves up my leg and into knee and hip, so, in my case anyway, I must do the best with what I have (being old and in the way). Nice assessment, however and this is exactly why he is on the CT, to measure and manage all this data. Now Devon on the VeloTron, however.........

FW said...

Devon's resistance level was too high to allow any assessment of his spin technique. You could almost hear the lactic acid building up by the second while watching him pedal squares. It looked like he was just starting to get a little scrape at the bottom of the circle after 40 seconds, but then sheer exhaustion brought an end to that shortly thereafter. That clip looked like it was an exercise to exhaustion or overstressing the joints.

KML5 said...

My thinking with the initial posting was that somewhere between the two examples lies the sweet spot.

FW said...

Would have been very interesting to see the data from CT in both scenes, particularly to see how that matches up with any assumptions one might have from just viewing the riders and their style and technique.