More Good News. This from Greg who is hosting a post Chilly Hilly Mardi Gras gig at his place from 3-7 on Sunday. It's at 9118 Hiden Cove Rd. (on the course) and I love the ending request: Esprit Required. Nothin' like a little Esprit after 33 miles!!! Hope to see ya there!
Click on invite to enlarge.
Attire optional. ? Perhaps Attire, S.V.P.
Good point!!!! Does that mean to bring spares, or come naked???? I will have to inquire in the AM. Hope you're feeling better.
I went to the doctor today only to find out that there are no good drugs for my illness. Rats.
I also went to Shea's spin class at 10:15 am and she gave this spiel to her class that 'today, was not going to be easy...so anyone wanting to leave now...'. I replied that "I am here to kick your ass!" which got a good reaction from the class.
So did you?
Ha. She had two "time trials" and the first my boot came off as it couldn't handle a sustained 165, but on the second, I think so. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I think that both Shea and Maureen are a little intimidated by any of the regulars from your class. I'm going to be looking for them on the Chilly course, along with Flying Wheels.
Flying Wheels is looking pretty questionable for Sunday now that the chest crud has moved into the sinuses. Every day this week the symptoms have gotten worse. It'll be easy pickings for payback time on Chilly Hilly at this rate.
Sorry to here. Seems like everyone on the planet has had, is having or will have it. I had a VERY weird physical day today. Hang in there.
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