Our little island made the front page of the Seattle Times today. In two seemingly unrelated stories, the boys basketball team beat perennial powerhouse Rainier Beach in OT and four prostitutes were arrested in a five agency police sting. At this time an unnamed high ranking police spokesperson (speaking under the guarantee of anonymity) says that RCVman is not a suspect in either case. More here: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2008717622_bainbridge07m.html
Weak story, on the police beat. Very weak. Bainbridge needs more journalists covering these top stories and fewer spending time covering the BORING (I SAID BORING!!) city council meetings. Imagine being on the Bainbridge City Council and then walking around town like you were a celebrity. I forgot the hundreds of pages the Review wasted on the council and its members, as well as the other blow hards in small town America. Who is on the council? Who is the mayor? How many times a week is the Review published now? This is what I don't write to the Review.
PS - The Review should do a PI and merge with the Seattle Times. Also get ready for the Euro-States of America.
So you're pleased with the coverage.......
So little is going on in Seattle the Times needs to cover the Review's beat? What the Review should have is a list of those on Bainbridge that are hiring prostitutes and name the prostitutes as well. Yesterday, Kitsap Sun runs story about "Law Firm Opens Bainbridge Office", so I look and its a woman sole practitioner who I have never heard of. Wow. But all the newspapers/journalists here suck mainly because of a style they learned in school, no opinions, no thoughtful commentary. They think they are being 'objective' but mainly they are vapid. Its the reason blogs are popular. Compare with Europe that hasn't a need for blogs yet. Read a reputable Brit newspaper sometime. Heck, even read parts of the International Herald Tribune. The American news are so afraid of lawyers how are they ever going to make any money? And, the reason they are is they can't make money. Or maybe its because all the writers left for TMZ.
Agreed. A lot has to do with money, the kind good writers and reporters put in their pockets, and the forced cutbacks due to the economy. Second, and perhaps most importantly, the vast majority of writers want to be their own editors as well and write on subjects that have meaning in their lives, and presented in their style and flow, not the way it is best presented to the demographic of the paper in question, and hence the popularity of blogs, both personal and professional. I can say what I want without having to worry about pissing off the fanatical right who subsidizes the paper through slimy advertising campaigns. As an example, would RCVman rather blog on Real Course Videos and bikes for nothing, or cover the Police Blotter for the Bainbridge Review for whatever pittance that pays (in the hopes of one day getting hired by a bigger conglomerate)????
BLOG or die!!!! Newsprint was nice while it lasted....
yeah. my blog is real vanilla and boring by design cause of any audience. I do write some fairly danger stuff on twitter though because you only get 140 characters and can only get into so much trouble. (e.g., "if you made a list of judges convicted of felonies it would be longer than the lists for priests or politicians.") I was being a little too negative though, I think. I guess I was wondering why the Review didn't run some shots of the prostitutes or maybe the johns running down Winslow Way covering up with a Review while chased by Mayor Klowdowney (sp?). I was raking this afternoon listening to music and you should check out a song called Reckoner by Radiohead for an opening number in spin class.
Crooked Judges? say it ain't so. My faith in the system upended yet again!!! Any song that motivates you to rake leaves I will use in class, stay tuned......
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