Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Brain of Mr Byrne

Fatigue is a brain-derived emotion that regulates the exercise behavior to ensure the protection of whole body homeostasis. 

THAT is a terrific opening statement. The entire article here. Do you find it true? Do you see it as an objective snapshot of our main objective? Does it make whole-system sense to you? Or do you hold to the belief that fatigue is some evil combination of cardio overload and muscular failure caused by over work? 

Let's look a little closer. A brain derived emotion. Like love? Like anger? Like the sheer joy we discussed yesterday? Like our tribe's insatiable persistence for war? All brain derived emotions, si?

Begging the question: Who's in charge here? 

I'll toss a dart and suggest that YOU ARE. 

It's your call. You wanna be happy? Be that. You wanna be in love? Go there. You wanna run effortlessly for hours? Begin. 

This fascinating article excerpt from Smithsonian Magazine on Davie Byrne's book, How Our Brains Process Music, brought up several important points. One that I found particularly interesting was on mirror neurons. As in 'When you're smiling the whole world smiles with you'. Additionally he cites studies done about athletes watching other athletes doing what they do. Our mirror neurons fire (become active) simply be our seeing someone doing something we admire, understand and respect. Next time we do a 2x20 set in the HoM take a look at this phenomenon as you ride and watch. You mimic the motion. Assuming of course that the motion is strong, graceful and with impeccable form. 

I find this amazing. And true. And in complete harmony with why we do what we do.  That sheer joy thing again. Only this time to the beat. As a brain-derived emotion. Whole and complete, self aware and in the groove zone. I will TELL you when fatigue is here, further it will resonate at a frequency several octaves above our current ability to detect it's aural harmonic. Also known, in some circles, as Burning Down the House. 

Which is, perhaps the closest I can come to making comparisons between Mr. Byrne and my humble self. 

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