Sunday, January 1, 2012

The VIZ drill

I want it now. This very instant. I have waited long enough. Time is fleeting. Life is short and the clock is running.

We have been talking about goals as lead-in to this spectacular first day of 2012. One of the common themes that is present on (almost) every 'how-to' list as sure-fire way to accomplish any goal is that of taking baby steps in the direction of said (stated and shared) goal. Why baby steps? Why can't I have the whole enchilada right flipping now, like I can have everything else?

Couple of reasons.

You have to earn it. Anything of value has effort, hardship, challenge and a right of passage involved. You need to learn, practice and refine. You need to grow. You need to change and experience. You need to fail, fall, stumble, trip, hurt, cry and question. You need to think about quitting. You need to be laying on the canvas floor in a pool of plasma wondering why those around you are all saying 'stay down', but your soul is shouting 'get up'. You need to find, call out and face your demons.

All of that takes time. Only wizards, saints and Chuck Norris can do it all in one day. (Norris by noon).

Making those baby steps the most important ones you can take. Each one has its own special significance, its reason, its purpose; The baby step of speed, the baby step of power, the baby step of endurance, the baby step of suffering and the baby step of balance. They are like boy scout badges, martial arts belts or gold records, one at a time, in relentless pursuit, quest in vision. Greg Braden talks about it here. Psychology Today augments and here is an affirmation piece. All good.

One can easily fall prey to the charms of society (pie chart one) or stay vigilant on the path with heart (chart two). One technique we can use to stay focused during those sometimes frustrating moments of doubt, our weaker selves at gossip about the validity of the dream, is to bring the 'then' into the 'now' and visualize the future us in the present. Dial in the crisp focus of what we want to become, see the victory, taste the success, smell the reward and touch the deep satisfaction of accomplishment. Now. Try it.

Stop reading. Close your eyes. See you at the moment of your victory. What do you hear? That applause is for you. What do you smell? That is the by-product of your physical power aligned with energy and light. How do you feel? Fulfilled, alive, One?

The level of your satisfaction at the moment of accomplishment is in direct relationship to the degree of difficulty during the process. When we question our choices, doubt our abilities to achieve, sustain or finish, use this powerful visualization drill while taking those baby steps.

You get there by taking one after the other. You want it now? See it and make it so.

Day one: Take the first step.

Graphs: The pie chart of the many, and the pie chart of the few. (You must decide which one is for you!)


ej said...

I am already famous

KML5 said...

Just Google it!!