Tuesday, May 24, 2011


DOMS. Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness. I got it today. My shoulder hurts like I was just thrown from a buckin' bronc. The tendonitis in right elbow (from mashing the keys blogging to you!) feels like a live wire. My lower back is stiff and my range of motion has been compromised by an estimated 50%. This saddle tramp needs some beer, a campfire and a star filled night. We musta had some kinda fun a coupla days ago! Ye-haw.

Tonight, praise the Lord, is an off night. The Big Rodeo is dark. Time to rest and recover, heal up and store some oats. Even Rooster Cogbern took a day off ever year or two.

I spent my day (post Yoga) enjoying the sunshine and finishing off the new deck. I needed to get to this point because the number of building days in the Northwest is about the same as the number of days it takes to drive cattle from Missoula to Spoke-a-Loo.

I wish I still had some Polaroids from my cowboyin' days, one shot with one of my Mustangs and me under a ten gallon straw hat I remember vividly. We had BBQ Rocky Mountain Oysters with Wild Turkey chasers that night beside a bonfire that stood fifteen hands.

You wanna talk about DOMS? There was nothing delayed about it. Horse throws ya, you dust off and get back on. Got a sore back, go ride some fence, Alice.

Training is a lot like being a cowboy. Sometimes it hurts purdy good. Becomes part of the lifestyle. A brand.

Ah, those were the good old days.

And so are these.

Photo: Fist beer on the new deck (recycled cedar from Ann & Paul). Whoa-boy.

1 comment:

ej said...