I have always been fascinated by threes. Father, Son & HG. Mind, Body, Spirit. Swim, Bike & Run. Morning, Noon & Night. Eric, Jack, Ginger. Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria. You get the idea. Lately I have been acutely aware of them in a 'not quite random-but not yet a pattern' manner. As an example, I received a wonderful e-mail the other day from one of our spinners, very simply and sincerely saying thanks. This as a result of my pending sabbatical. (More on the pending saga tomorrow.) He used three words that I thought were most interesting in his note, 1) Challenge, 2) Informative, and 3) Entertaining. Nice. That has always been my goal even if not stated in this trinity of value. Secondly, in my meditation practice I have evolved the 'opening ceremony', where one asks for 'special attention and assistance from the cosmos' for a trilogy of what I consider to be wholesome and worthy requests. They are: 1) Courage, 2) Wisdom and 3) Love. Go ahead and laugh but then I will ask you, what's so funny about Peace, Love and Understanding?
As I was researching this topic tonight (and it's still light at 6:45 YESSS!), I came across this marvelous site dedicated to, yuppers, threes. Hence its name: The Book of Threes. http://threes.com/cms/index.php Spend some time there and then share your favorite or inspirational treys with us. All three of us Kings, Musketeers, and Blind Mice.
OK, I need a lot of time to think of three, but in the meantime here are some "threes" from the famous Mark Twain (aka Samuel Clemens):
All things change except barbers, the ways of barbers, and the surroundings of barbers. These never change.
- Mark Twain
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.
- Mark Twain
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.
- Mark Twain
It is by the fortune of God that, in this country, we have three benefits: freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the wisdom never to use either.
- Mark Twain
There are three things which I consider excellent advice. First, don't smoke to access. Second, don't drink to excess. Third, don't marry to excess.
- Mark Twain
And, three "twos" also from Clemens. I don't believe the last one but I still think it is funny nonetheless:
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.
- Mark Twain
When one has tasted watermelon he knows what the angels eat.
- Mark Twain
Both marriage and death ought to be welcome: the one promises happiness, doubtless the other assures it.
- Mark Twain
What about lies, damned lies, and statistics?
YES, I will make it! (having ignorance and confidence in spades).
Sex, drugs, rock n roll.
Past, present, future.
E, A, B7.
Bread, pickled onions, Guiness.
Tinkers, Evers, Chance.
Manny, Moe & Jack.
Mamma Bear, Poppa Bear, Baby Bear.
Shave, Hair Cut, Two bits.
Lion, Scarecrow, Tin Man.
A triangle.
A tricycle.
A triumphant return to normality. No wait.
That what I'm saying as well. Oh yeah, three kinds of lies. Need a little time to look at those above. Heres a couple more:
Einstein's Three Rules of Work: 1) Out of clutter find simplicity; 2) From discord find harmony; 3) In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
--Albert Einstein
Bear Bryant's Three Rules for coaching: 1) Surround yourself with people who can't live without football. 2) Recognize winners. They come In all forms. 3) Have a plan for everything.
--"Bear" Bryant
Three required experiences for serious cyclists: gluing tubulars, riding fixed gear, and racing crits.
Can you skip these if your a serious and OLD cyclist? not good at new tricks especially when they are like Algebra.
There are exceptions to every rule. OMG algebra? I get nervous when we talk about bike geometry.
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