Thursday, October 25, 2012

RCVman Official Endorsement

I'll save you some time. Page to bottom. See our presidential endorsement. Choose your response accordingly. Either way, you are my neighbor and I respect your choice. 

If you want another rich white guy delegating the demands of big business to women, the military, what is left of the middle class, people of color, retirees and folks with disabilities, your vote will help keep the old boy network alive and well. 

We have made some headway. We pissed off some very powerful captains of industry. We rattled a few cages and shook the foundations of castle walls housing the one percent. We pulled an upset in just getting to here. 

We remain underdogs despite our honorable intentions. We want to end war, ease suffering and prosper at home. We want affordable health care, with want tax relief and a balanced budget. They want power, money, control and profit. 

Both candidates are puppets dancing to the tug of corporate America. The game is rigged. I am an Independent Green Alternative Libertarian. I have zero chance. My voice and vote will not change policy. It won't get us alternative energy, a flat tax, successful foreign policy, an end to poverty and pollution, sane social policies and it won't end the inane war on drugs. So I am left with the responsibility to fend for myself. To do the best I can despite these overwhelmingly oppressive and archaic rules by which we have been water-boarded to hail as the best anywhere. 

And maybe they are. I appreciate that. I love my freedom. I use it by following my own heart. Doing what I believe to be my highest calling. I am sorry but I simply cannot work ten hours a day in a cubicle lining the pockets of a corrupt corporation while getting taxed to the chinstrap for the effort. Sorry. Not me. Do I have that right?  Isn't my pursuit of happiness tied to life and liberty? If so, my right to happiness means calling bullshit on the current state of the state. How noble a cause in outing the greedy power mongers who are controlling the strings and calling the shots, bleeding us to death? Behind the scenes. In boardrooms and the inner sanctum of the club that runs things. In the way that brings them the most profit. At any cost to YOU. Your dollars, your labor, your planet, your water and air, your food, shelter and illusion of security and your sons and daughters who march off to war doing the business of America. Protecting its investments overseas. Ask the former VP if this is a profitable endeavor. 

So please folks, if you like dangling on the strings of faceless puppeteers who want nothing but everything you have, vote for one who knows. Take it back. Bring back the fear. Bring back man's inhumanity to man. Torture, murder, humiliate. Disrespect, dishonor and lie. Cheat, steal and forbid. Divide and separate. Point and blame. Cover up. Waste, abuse, rape and plunder. Ah, the good old days!

I want hope. I hope we wake up and smell the napalm. Soon. Like tomorrow. 

We have made some progress. I was sincerely proud of you four years ago when you selected a black man to do the world's worst job. I am so better off now. Knowing that we evolved a little. Tried something different. Chose change. 

We have a long ways to go. Those bastards in the castles are smart. They called in the cavalry and fortified their embrasures. They used distraction in masterful new ways. They got a little riled. They are formidable and powerful. They like their own. It is an exclusive club. They vowed that nothing would pass legislation without their approval. No matter how important, altruistic or beneficial. No matter how logical. And no matter what. 

I would like nothing better than to help take down these cowards, crooks and cheats. THAT would be patriotic. A new America, a new land for the free and a new home for the brave. Not just liberty and justice for some, but for all. 

Or we can bring in yet another old boy bagman and pretend that things are fine. 

This is not the lessor of two evils. It is moving, however slowly, towards the cleansing of the planet. Sometimes it is necessary to bite the hand that feeds. For the greater good. I seriously doubt the former Senator from Massachusetts would even consider it. 

I cling to the hope that Obama will one day, with our rabid support, bite up to the elbow. 

Therefore, for these selfish reasons, and others I am too ashamed to mention here, The RCVman unilaterally endorses Barack Hussein Obama for a second term. Vote Hope.

I am not alone in this line of thought. See George tell it like it is here.

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