Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Herman's Revenge

And all my words come back to me in shades of mediocrity. Paul "Rhymin" Simon

After yesterday's blog rant on other peoples attitudes (how dare I?) where I mentioned the recent post-modern phenomena known as "everything fun all the time" and how subsequently, it compromises our ability to focus and enhance performance, because, well, sometimes hard training just isn't fun. So we run for the cover of distraction. Movies, music, or the worst possible response, choosing something altogether easier. Like eating, watching TV or social media. I know many people that justify making money as a legitimate excuse. THE GALL!! 

Imagine my response when this morning I walked into our training center at Avalara and found a book resting on the handlebars of one of our Keiser M3s?

A book! A FAT book. Nicely bound appearing to be a classic, with a beautiful red page marker indicating completion close at hand. After my initial shock (if you need to know the reason behind my shock you probably should exit now), I picked up said tome and held it in my hand weighing the possibility of using it for plyometrics. Curious, I then turned to front cover and chuckled ironically when I saw the subtitle: The Whale. 

Do you mean to tell me that somebody was actually sitting on one of MY spin bikes and reading Moby Dick? Heck, why not bring in a tub of buttered popcorn and a couple of diet sodas to get you through those nasty flat sections? OMG. 

People: Do one or the other. When you train indoors, make it count. Dial it up. Go hard like an angry albino sperm whale seeking a one-legged lunch. Or go home.

And sit on your favorite overstuffed chair by the fire and absorb (while trying to appreciate) Melville's symbolism and metaphor. Keep also in mind that this is 2012 not 1851. We have, ahem, bigger fish to try. 

So please do not combine your workout sessions with anything other than introspective analysis and dedicated focus as this could systematically confuse your perception of our place together in the universe. Take this time to harpoon the evil distraction of the multi-task. We are here to train our bodies AND MINDS as one. If your legs and lungs are in sync but your head is aboard the Pequod, you have missed a golden opportunity, mate. 

Call me old fashioned.
Call me idiot savant.
Call me over zealous.
Call me committed.
Call me ferocious and enigmatic.
Call me a fool.
Just please don't call me Ishmael.

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