Monday, October 1, 2012

Need a Favor

Hello October!

Officially getaway week as we are down to six days prior to boarding that beautiful Alaska Airlines direct flight to Kona for the 2012 Ironman World Championships. In preparation I have much to do, PLUS there exists the outside chance (the early line has it at 250-1) that the PO might even be done by the time I again visit my friends on the Big Island, including and especially Madame Pele with whom I have a little present to offer. 

I need to mix up and puree the Expo video as last hair-on-fire chore. Usually I finish with enough time to grab it from the DVD burner and head to the waiting car, dash to the ferry, sprint to the light rail station, pretend that I am not in a hurry as I check one bag and queue up in the TSA line. With any luck at all this year I can grab a burrito for the five hours over the Pacific. Then the work begins.

Tonight we test the second round CompuTrainer Multi-Rider @ Bainbridge Athletic Club indoor time trial Big Valley course. 9.59 miles of rollers and false flats. Tonight's five o'clock (1700 is SO much easier) test is beta, so if you would like to try 'er out with us, ride is on me. Foxtrot Romeo Echo Echo. 

Lastly, and I should have put this at the top, may I ask a special and important favor of you all? One of our former spinners, who made a dramatic positive change in life as a result of YOUR friendship, teamwork, support and inspiration, is going through a traumatic personal crisis. It includes loss of partner. If I could somehow implore you for ten seconds to send some good karma and positive thoughts in the form of love and energy I am quite sure it will be felt on the receiving end. Just ten seconds. 

Thank you all. Great session this morning. See set list above. Beta 9.59 at 5. Hit send. 

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