Saturday, May 29, 2010

Move the Shell

Part IV in the staggeringly popular Move the Rock series. On Monday, after an exhausting week following the ToC boys for a thousand miles, we had a rare off-day. Accordingly we decided to take (another) Busman's Holiday and head to the beach for some barefoot running in the sand.

I have always liked running in the sand. It kills your calves. If instant feedback is your gauge of intensity and effort, this provides it. Nothing in the gym can compare to the way sand works your feet, ankles, calves and quads.

The only obstacles one needs to heed are jellyfish, broken glass, trash and the occasional dead gull.

As a cheap off-topic editorialism, on this day there were tar-balls galore, tons of trash, and what seemed like happy hour at LAX. It was loud, no mistaking it for the set of Lost. Whatever the opposite of isolated is, this was that. Still, the sun was shinning, the camera was on and the day was ours.

Sister Debbie acted as production assistant and did a super-fine job. Please note, and you have heard me say on many an occasion that comedy is hard, her excellent "straight man" gags. The shell turn, the phone call, the wave from the bike path were all ad-libs, and executed with a professional delivery sure to earn her a much deserved (and long overdue) nomination from the Academy.

Best supporting role in an RCVman YouTube short, goes to.........

In closing, to remind the VBA once again, here is the Move the Rock goal listed here as mission statement:

You are a time crunched executive on the road.
You work hard. Now you need balance.
Find somewhere to run. A park, a playground, lakeside, the beach.
Warm up for 15 minutes easy.
Unleash EVERYTHING YOU GOT for 12 seconds.
Depending on your fitness level, repeat up to four times, with 60 second breaks between.
Cool down for 15 minutes.
Eat clean protein.
Rest and recover.


Your overall health will improve.
Your stress will be managed.
Your body will thank you.
Your spirit will respect you.
Your employer will keep you.
Your spouse will adore you.
Your enemies will cower before you.
Your dog will continue to call you master.

And all you have to do is MOVE THE SHELL.

Part III, coming soon. Don't go away (without a mobile device).


ej said...

good ideas. thanks.

ej said...