Weekend wrap-up.
As you will recall, dear VBA, on Saturday we embarked on a ride/camp/run/ride multi-sport training weekend from RCVman Global HQ on Bainbridge Island up to Pt. Townsend, and back. Rated on the classic scale of 1-10, this one was unanimously a 10. Weather got up to 73 on yesterdays return leg and the rides, punctuated each way by a 10 minute shuttle crossing of Hood Canal, provided a scenic and timely break to the peddling action. In between 45 mile rides, we had a great camping site at Ft. Worden State Park and the 7.5 mi Rhody Run XXXI was a blast as well. I have some additional video that is second up in the render queue this morning, so I'll post a little clip of the highlights and comments from the happy campers, rocking riders and even some RCV action from Big Valley Road, later in the day.
Tony flats on Big Valley. You couldn't pick a better spot.
Eric, Trish and Tennis on the return ferry ride, yes it was a nice day!
Ft. Worden SP.
Eric, Sam, Elliott and Michael at the campsite ready for marshmallows.
What a great time! So many consecutive events that they are blurred in my mind (along with some other things except my need to get in better shape for activities such as this...). Even Tony got into the action in the first leg with a flat that he skillfully repaired. Excitement at every turn. Mike's great driving and fire building with support from Kevin aka RCVman. Sam and Elliot exploring the haunted bunkers at Fort Worden and generally showing off their biking skills. The great cuisine the all male campers turned out. And last but not least, Kevin, obviously winning the Rhody Run for his age group. Way to go Kevin!
That run hurt WAY TOO much for a measly 6th place!!!!! And, sir, the way that one gets into better shape for events like this is...to do more events like this. So let's plan another....soon.
Join me for The Native Planet Torture Metric Century Southern Edition - 58 miles on May 23rd:
FW, that looks wicked. I am in St. George, UTAH that day doing the 62 mile Ironman St. George shoot. I know that is a weak excuse, but it is the only one I can invent with such short notice. YOU, however, have fun.
PS, the video I shot with the Sony Snap (Sony's theft of the Flip) did not shake out as smooth as I had hoped, meaning if I want to take advantage of its minimal size and weight, I will have to get my arse into the lab and invent a spring loaded camera mount that will absorb (at least) 70% more road vibration. Disappointing, but true.
hmmmm...more torture.
It never gets easier............
If you're on top of your game, it's a very fun ride.
If you're on top of your ride, it's a very fun game.
Looking at the attrition rate from last years game/ride there were lots of folks who were neither.
I have a hard time with Big Valley and Beaver Valley Roads, let alone big mountains. This does not mean I wouldn't be willing to try the mountain.
The best way to develop climbing skill and strength is to ride hills. There are few who can climb 6,000' without working up to it. The first time I rode this route I could not finish the entire route, but I was able to do so the following year, likely due to a combination of improved conditioning and smarter nutrition.
And of those two I will take more of the former any day of the week!!!!!
IMHO: Improved cycling IS smarter nutrition, or, as I read yesterday, "Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom." One will force the other. (All this from a guy who rides lots of hills and who's last two meals were French Slams at Denny's--yes I am on the road again.)
How can anyone resist hot pancakes and waffles drenched in syrup and butter. I just had a large Mint Chip ice cream cone. I need to work out 4 hours a day given what I eat and drink each day.
Ummmmmmm. Breakfast of Champions (with apologies to Kurt Vonnegut and General Mills). Now go ride.
Spun for over an hour this morning with Suzanne. Just her and I in the class, sunny day. Did you know she ran a 2:35 marathon when she was younger?
I was on the 7:05 sailing this morning to ride with Native Planet. 4:10 hrs moving; 59.1 miles; 14.2 avg; 47.3 max mph; 6740' ascent. GPS track at
Did not have my best legs today but hung with the fast group any way.
Men's Health magazine:
You can eat anything you want without gaining a pound..if you're willing to do what it takes to burn it off
Correction: 6130' ascent, not 6740'. Difference due to using Survey data vs. GPS data for calculation.
Even with 610 less feet of vertical, those wheels were still flyin' my friend, nice work. Let's plan a long one next week shall we?
Wow, way to go Tony.
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