Thursday, March 6, 2008

Your Call

Let's take a quick look back on what we've accomplished so far, shall we? Heads: Or Tales of the Ten Thousand Things. A random arrangement of persons, places and things with no categorical or chronological priorities. Complete chaos. Very much like life. It's only structure is that it tries to have none. Rule Number One is that there are no rules. It follows no leader, pays no tax and marches to the syncopated beating its own drum. A rara avis of both monumental and inconsequential proportions. Lost in time and free in space. Humor, paradox seeking change. We realize that all roads eventually lead to the same place, hence the thrilling choices of how we get there, not when. Is there order in chaos?

From the top:

The dream
27.3 years
The Euro
My passport
A beautiful hand made vase
Albert Einstein
My nephew
My brothers
Ice Cream
The Dead
A female crow
The Canon XH-A1
David Lindley

Fumbling for his pencil and pocket notebook, which he preferred over his Macbook Pro when jotting flow of consciousness, he tried to arrange these seemingly unrelated nouns into verb form. Give it some life, animate it, advance the plot, tell the story. There is a common thread to all of the above. They may be 10,000 things but they are all of one mind. They are all connected. There is nothing that is not part of it. Sadness is a part, hurt, pain, rejection, loneliness, hunger. All connected dots. All the same coin. Just different sides. Heads: Or Tales of the Ten Thousand Things. You call it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
