Wednesday, March 5, 2008

El Rayo X

He paid another visit to the Chiropractor today. And got worked. He was hoping that somehow the familiar pain in his right temple, the effect of his metabolism losing yet another mixture battle 'tween blood and alcohol, might be adjusted (and henceforth less annoying) along with his spine, lower back and neck. Did he self medicate because of the neck pain or did the imported NAFTA medication cause the pain in the first place? he wondered aloud punching button number 2 in the down elevator.

He did have a fondness for Mexican beer. And a few cool ones always seemed to salve whatever current ailment persisted. Seemed like just yesterday he was in Baja at Estero Beach running barefoot at sunrise with David Lindley on the MP3. I am El Rayo. Intrepid protector of all things causing pains in the neck, X.

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