Friday, December 4, 2020

Pachyderm in the Parlor


"Under who's authority?" I ask, "This is completely our operation making any infiltration, especially that of an asset, subject to prior approval and internal review."

Harlan adds that he has no information on any intelligence activity directly related to the covert operation, or, for that matter, anywhere else, as the terms and conditions are specifically understood to include our complete and sole authority in the mission, its tactics and staffing. He finishes his opening declaration of fact with an ominous, "Something is fishy."

"Let's not jump to conclusions quit yet," Julie asks of the road weary crew, "I am on my way for a meeting with the Senator at 1000, so let me hear him out before we offer him a cigarette and blindfold."

At this, Mustang voices an observation from the raid, mentioning that one of the four card-playing terrorists in her charge seemed to be trying to communicate to her by pointing to his rear pants pocket, as if he had a hall pass to offer the dean of discipline, she recalls thinking. She now apologizes for not breaking his code and, perhaps worse, failing to raise the issue upon completion of the raid.

"Things happen fast, and a lot of times we miss important details due to the occupation of our awareness to the matters at hand, you had the responsibility of holding four hostile terrorists at bay as a fire-fight raged around you, this, your first live action with us. You did good." I say.

At this Harlan addresses the pachyderm in the parlor by suggesting that this might be a perfect segue into the debrief sessions. Julie is quick to agree, asking of him to start with Mustang and then Drysdale. She catches my look, one she knows translates to, 'what about me?' and announces convincingly, "You're coming with me. I think your initial testimony could prove valuable in our long-game strategy. Besides Hartaugh needs to be reminded of who runs point in this outfit."

"So I'll debrief afterwards?"


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