Saturday, November 21, 2020

One Notable Mezzo-Soprano


Upon completion of Dr. Sandhi's rudimentary examination I am met by the team at 0900; Drysdale, Julie and The Neurologist. I notice what appears to be a farewell moment between the two medical professionals as the duty nurse preps me for discharge. I am feeling particularly good this chilly November morning, thinking that the steroids have done their job as advertised. Evidently Julie has made the offer of employment to The Neurologist, which pleases me, especially the part about the timely nature of transition from neurology to undercover police work, not your standard change of hats. I look at her, now in street clothes, "You in?"

"I'm in," she says with more than a touch of pride.

"Outstanding, let's connect the dots from here to the office a tutta froza."

"At full speed, ricevuto," she responds appropriately in Italian.

"Parla italiano?" I test.

"Si, anche Francese, Español e Tagalog."

"Magnifico, andiamo." And we are off.

Back in the office, also doubling as my halfway-house and temporary rehabilitation center, we stage an impromptu staff meeting to address the current situation and our first course of action. Harlan joins us as Mina prepares a light and healthy brunch of avocado toast, smoked salmon and fruit smoothies, plus the obligatory pot of French roast. The five of us sit at the round conference table, enjoy the meal and open the file brief prepared by Julie and Harlan.

I scan the brief and immediately notice movement at both ends of our current watch, intel from Davis and Saunders and the other end from Drysdale, who reports that one of our CI's, contracted informers, has reported signs of activity from the group we believe to be holding The Queen hostage. I am processing both as Julie takes the floor to formally announce the addition of the Neurologist to our team, finishing with her introduction after a lengthy accounting of her vast accomplishments, family history and special certifications, including use of firearms and her knowledge of the criminal justice system, as Ms Patricia 'Pearl' Ford, who will be known by the code name of Mustang during the transition from the civilian world to ours.

Drysdale raises his steaming mug of coffee to ask for a celebratory toast in her honor, "Welcome Mustang."

"Welcome Mustang," we repeat in makeshift chorus.

"Business at hand," I announce, feeling as if I have allowed the horse to escape the corral, "I think the three of us need to pay an immediate visit to the site where The Queen is reported to be, and trigger something a little more aggressive than surveillance."  

All heads nod silently in agreement. Harlan offers a closing comment raising his mug of steaming joe, "Rodeo on." It is echoed promptly and vociferously by all, including one notable mezzo-soprano.


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