Friday, November 27, 2020

Mojo's Trifecta


"Who indeed," Davis ends the thread on a note of cathartic finality.

Eddie reminds that motive always plays the primary part in criminal activity, adding that around here the motivation is nine times of ten about money. "And the larger the payout the greater the risk."

Saunders is quick to point out to him that in a wide radius surrounding their HQ money sometimes takes back seat to power on the political circuit.

"Money and power. Win and place. Although revenge will occasionally take a longshot upset," Eddie comments, "You guys have hit the proverbial trifecta, having all three."

Davis, silent in this phase of the conversation, reaches for a salt shaker resting at the center of the table and places it in front of Saunders as if it were a white pawn moving into a forward attack position, "Alright, this is the money play, there is only one reason why Adelson would order a hit on the people bringing him a six figure gift, and as we can find no indication that our covers were blown, then…" he dramatically slides the pepper shaker to Eddies's space adding live color commentary, "we have the power motive of Hartaugh in DC, but why? What does he gain by biting the very hand that feeds BOTH his greed and political agenda? Leaving….."  he continues rubbing both index fingers across his thumbs like quivering violin bows and finally pinching the huge silver and crystal sugar canister with both hands and guiding it to the open space in front of the fourth chair, "MBI has all three motives plus mens rea as the lawyers call it, criminal intent. Money, power and revenge." He releases the sugar container and looks at Saunders and then Eddie in a non-verbal request for surrender or at the least, approval.

"We put MBI in check," Eddie plays along.

"But only after confirming that Adelson had nothing to do with it," Saunders adds subconsciously massaging her throbbing shoulder.

"I know one of his guys," Eddie offers, "I can do a light shake and see what drops."

"And I think we need to schedule another visit with Mr. Adelson," Davis suggests, again with the bravado of a pending end-game move.

In sympathetic harmony, the sharp pain in Saunders's shoulder rings like the bell announcing the start of another round. Another round in the life and death game where money is a horse race, power a chess match and revenge a heavyweight title fight.

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