Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Now Hiring

 Admit it: You have always wanted to be a screenwriter. You have always felt that deep inside there dwells a starving artist, lurking in the creative realm of your acute understanding of the human situation (comedy), and ready to unleash a masterpiece on civilization. This, of course, to serve the higher purpose of heightening the consciousness of mankind as well as to completely satisfy our collective thirst for witty dialogue and ironic plot twists. Oh, and with a happy ending. With a chase scene. And a love triangle perhaps. And tension. And drama. And conflict. And challenge. And an unsuspecting hero. With a pinch of pathos and a dash of the diabolical. And a killer sound track and eye-popping special effects. I will help you out with a simple template, so that all you have to do is fill in the blanks.

Act one. We meet the hero. He is lost, lonely and searching. For what we wonder. 
Introduce the challenge. Boy meets girl. Challenge accepted. 
Act two: The journey begins. The hero accepts the challenge head on. In doing so he loses girl. There is the moment of truth. Big time shit in deep kimchee. New girl appears swearing eternal love and devotion. Cue the chase scene. 
Act three: Hero does the dirty deeds dirt cheap, pummels the bad guys and gets the (right) girl back. Reconciliation as justice is wrapped up with a silver bow. The triumphant hero returns home. There is a parade and birds sing as credits roll.  

See how easy it is? 

So today I offer you the opportunity to be a screenwriter. I have exactly one week to script, create, edit and produce my annual video tribute to the year. That's right, it's time for 2012 with the RCVman. Today I am feverishly assembling stills and video from all that we did these past twelve months. The idea is to mash them together and Kung Fu a one hour highlight piece to use for visual entertainment during our last spin of the year in the House of Mirth, Saturday, Dec 29 @ 0730 and again on Monday, Dec 31 at a time to be determined later. (Check your local listings)

Here is how to hone your craft and motivate that inner writer referenced in the opening paragraph: Share one, or as many as apply, magic and mirthful moment(s) from 2012. You need not embellish or sugar-coat. No double spacing, no brass page binders, and in any font you like. Remind me of all the good stuff that we did in 2012.

Because there was too much for me to recall on my own.


Pix: For ten bonus points (each) ID these two famous writers. 

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