Tuesday, January 12, 2010

TV Odds

This amazing piece of research just in from the LA Times: 18% for every hour spent in front of the TV. That is the percentage found to increase your odds of dying from a cardiovascular related disease. 18% for every hour. WOW. Even though there are thousands of assumptions made along with this statement by the Australian group, their findings are totally meaningless if the time spent viewing is in conjunction with, ta da, exercise. Oh, you mean, like watching TV while cycling?

So it appears that RCVman has once again been given the assignment of world salvation (like it wasn't difficult enough already!) Health Care Reform: Watch all the TV you want folks, just make sure that while watching you are atop your trusty CompuTrainer:

A) Watching one of the currently available 13 RCVs,
B) Getting tested for VO2 max or lactic acid threshold,
C) In a Multi-Rider class.

Here area some video examples of how to view it.



Now go saddle up and turn on your TV.


ej said...

"Get mad!" "Show em who's boss!" "aWhoaeeeee!" Where does this instructor get that stuff?

KML5 said...

Having to find a successful, motivational, non-lethal way to get people to go harder is an art form. Without this, 82% (100-18) of the people would go no harder than what is comfortable, and thereby get only 18% of the possible benefits of a training session. Sometimes it's not pretty, agreed, but there exists no better way at present. (Of which I am aware). I am open to suggestion. MOF, whomever provides the best suggestion will win a RCV prize!!!

A few that DO NOT work (so you know):

Saying please
Being nice
Asking politely
Assuming they know how

*has been proven to work on some males and zero females.

ej said...

I'm sort of behind the 'aWhaoeee' yell but I'm not critiquing all spin instructors or even the complete style of that particular instructor by my comments. I just think saying "get mad" in itself is a little clumsy and archaic. I think the spin instructors at BAC are much more subtle and advanced/developed in their motivational techniques or style(s). Like there is one at BAC who goes into matters of existential philosophy while I am struggling to breath which kind of makes me mad and gets me motivated to spin faster. The same instructor favors music by opening band(s) for the Grateful Dead! Now, who would think of those tactics!? Why just this morning a BAC instructor played a slow version of Britney Spear's song 'Toxic' which kind of got me going. So, there you go; just a few examples of more evolved science.

KML5 said...

Everything we do, this side of Lance, is clumsy and archaic and I have no comment on Ms Spears.

ej said...

What if Lance were to pull a McGwire?

KML5 said...

On that day I will play all Britney, all class.

Won't happen (I can thankfully say).

ej said...

Why don't you do that anyway.