Tuesday, April 13, 2021

No Longer in Service


Julie relays back in response that chatter is at level eight. "Something is going down - and soon," She adds along with a warning suggesting that, at least for the time being, we abandon the experimental methods and default back to what we do best.

"I have no problem with that, we are en route to meet with Howard Turkin, at his behest, in regards to what I believe is the cause of the chatter. Will advise upon confirmation, please stand by."

I terminate the call and advise Mustang to add a few RPMs to the tachometer reading, "Turkin sounded like a heart attack in progress, he also mentioned, perhaps unwittingly, perhaps not, that we have one hour and that the clock is ticking."

The big block Chevy engine seems to enjoy the stimulus, adding an octave to its powerful internal-combustion hum. We are fortunate that the passing lane is clear and traffic light. I decide against using the portable blue light due to our progress, the dark windows and .gov plates identification enough.

"What are you thinking?" She asks settling into an 80 mph groove.

"Not sure, but my gut tells me that Turkin has suddenly decided that a diplomatic compromise might be in his best long-term interest. Or we could be walking into an ambush, one of the two."

"How did he use the 'clock's running' phrase?"

"Exactly that, but I got the chills considering that it might be proxy for a timer count-down."


"That's my guess, and from what we have already confirmed they have recruited vets that have been trained by the best. Julie also said that chatter is at level 8, meaning there is a 50/50 chance that the timer has already been set, sequence started."

"OK, we have the why and the what, so we need the where?"

"Third option: He might be intentionally leading us away from the target to increase chances of success. We might be doing exactly what he wants is to do - stay as far away from the action as possible," I comment, very much thinking out loud.

"So you are saying he has made us?" She asks.

"Don't know, but hopefully we soon will. Take this off-ramp and head East."

As she expertly pulls the exiting maneuver, I reach for my cell and hit the number Howard called from less than a half-hour ago. And I hear the one voice I did not want to hear.

"Your call cannot be completed as dialed, the number is no longer in service…."


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