Saturday, February 6, 2021

Stealthy Geckos


"Infared and visible lights, very precise radio frequencies with noise a canceling audio spectrum all assist the reflection rates used in stealth technologies. It is the same principles, altered to suit our purposes by brilliant German scientists, that is used by the military to avoid radar detection," Drysdale schools The Queen, forgetting that she had once jacked a squadron of F-14s and disabled the surrounding military and civilian radar systems.

"There has to be a way of 'sensing' the bugs presence by the increase to the specific mass of any wall or ceiling?" She asks as Devil's advocate.

"That is the beauty of the lens screen as it has the capability to deflect any sensing devise by blending into its environment as a form lazer camouflage. Most likely why they call the technology Chamaleon Tech." Drysdale continues, oblivious to being playfully trolled by The Queen.

"Very cool, I'll never see another Gecko on the wall without thinking that it might be recording my every move in high-def."

"Are you up on Musk's Neuralink technologies?" He pushes the thread as they prep for installation in another set of rooms.

"Ultra-high bandwidth brain machine that interfaces to connect humans to computers?" She deadpans.

"Right, they have already tested it with monkeys, non-lethal testing mind you, and have documentation of them playing computer games by simply thinking about the best moves. One of them, I understand won a significant amount of cash at Call of Duty: Warzone, no easy task. So think what we could do with a team of trained Geckos, all transmitting audio and video feeds."

"We could rule the world."

"We SHOULD rule the world, then we wouldn't be doing this kind of grunt work." Drysdale let's slip in a moment of weakness.

"Without your loyal service, tactical skill and dedication to the mission, if this WAS a perfect world, what would you be doing?"

"One: This world will NEVER be prefect, and I don't say never often, but there will always be the need for someone to look after the safety and security, the basic freedoms, of those that cannot. And two: I took an oath, one I pledged to uphold, to protect our democracy and its Constitution against all enemies. I will always be in that pursuit. No matter what."

"You do your job well Drysdale. We need more guys like you."

Drysdale shoots her the skeptic's look to ensure that he isn't about to be the punch line of an inside joke.

"I'm serious, you guys, this entire team is solid gold. I owe you my life remember?"

"I remember clearly. We are lucky to have you on board. Thanks for your service. Hand me that bug, but be careful."

"Of what?"

"It might bite."

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