Friday, February 5, 2021

Another Revolution


"We are smack dab in the epicenter of another technological revolution," The Queen reminds Drysdale as they set about to wire the entire penthouse floor of the five-star Buccaneer Hotel. Drysdale, normally quiet, professional and stoic, has taken to their initial partnering assignment as if it represented a promotion. She is, after all, a brilliant thinker, master technician and very personable assistant. He finds the combination of her possessing BOTH perfect pitch and a photographic memory to be incredibly valuable assets for this type of high-risk police work.

"It would be difficult to argue against it," He replies as they assemble to tools of the trade and equipment necessary to fill the requirement of 'as close to total coverage' as possible.

Their suite looks more like the back-room of a hardware store than a luxury beach hotel room. The Queen's reference was in regard to the impossibly small bug, a low-res 1080x720 black and white video camera coupled with a tiny microphone capable of hearing the sea-breeze ruffle satin curtains from across the room. Wireless and measuring less than a quarter of an inch, the device slips into a hole bored by a cordless screwdriver specially outfitted with a diamond bit to hold the bug secure in any wall surface, from stucco to gypsum. Adding to the surveillance package is the screwdrivers attachments: An x-ray to scan the wall, woodwork or ceiling membrane to ensure that any electric wiring, mechanical conduit or plumbing is avoided, and a micro computer to match the surface material and color to provide a lens cover to match. "Best part might be its encasing material, complete stealth, cannot be detected by contemporary scanners." That the handheld tool is capable of all this is something they both find both fascinating and empowering.

"You haven't seen anything yet," Drysdale teases, "wait until we open the software."

"Can't wait."

Finished with the first of the two rooms; they have been granted access by hotel security under an arrangement secured by Goldson and our HQ, they move to test the coverage and operation of their work. Drysdale opens his laptop, enters his UN and PW and spins the screen a quarter turn to allow The Queen to view.

"Your user name is your initials and year of birth and password is somebody named SandyK32," she boldly announces, having hacked both in less than ten seconds.

"How did you do that?" Drysdale asks, eyes wide open.

"Number of keystrokes mainly, each key has its own sound, and they change with amount of use, the more dominant keys, centered around the middle of the board, create a deeper vibration than their less used counterparts. I got pretty good at it in my former enterprise." She explains.


"You want to see incredible then let's open the software because I can almost guarantee you that we can add biometrics to the package, based on what hardware we have been using." She boasts more fact than brag.


"Technology, testing and training." She says, reaching to press the enter key with her right index finger.

"It's a revolution."

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