Monday, June 30, 2008

Tree farms

Make no bones about it, I love my trees. They surround me and on a daily basis remind me of who, precisely is in charge. Dead and rotting ones have come crashing down upon my precious possessions (I have two), and sometimes on blustery and windy winter nights the thought of taking one on the head is a touch disconcerting. There are many other things that they do to provide me and my neighbors with value besides act as pollution filters. I would much rather live in the forest amid these noble plants, in the shadow of the possibility that one of them may come crashing down squishing me like a bug, than to live in a swath of clear cut land layered in asphalt and safe from falling limbs, trunks or spurs. Don't even get me started on the subject of safety (just yet).

Yesterday as I was cleaning up the yard, I took a break to flip through the latest edition of Wired magazine. They had some VERY interesting things to say on a number of environmental subjects, this one especially catching my eye. Turns out that once again something I held to be dear and true was wrong. At least part of it. Check this out fellow tree huggers and let me know what you think. In the meantime, I will sit in the shade of my maple and cedars and finish the article. And then get back to work, cause I leave Wednesday for Germany and there is lot's to be done.

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