Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Grand What


Should I be able to rise to this occasion, a circumstance I am still not entirely sure of its detail, if I am somehow able to dismiss the why and cut to the chase of the what, as in what do we do now? progress and perhaps even a modicum of growth could result. That is a dumpster full of should have and could haves I admit to myself in another therapy session where I play the dual roles of patient and therapist. The why (rye) is important only when looking for a motive, it is the what (wheat) that truly counts. This ancient grain of truth is baked into the action I will take. The therapist looks at the humble baker and repeats the phrase applicable to all warriors, "Do what must be done."

The moment of truth at hand, I decide to act. Eight months of muscular atrophy and an idled mind has left me in a frail state of compromise, challenged. This circumstance is no different than any other. The sun comes up and then it goes back down. Chop wood and carry water. The enlightenment of the path, the effort, the commitment and of complete dedication to the mission is now my choice. I can chose to wallow. My body is bent. I have just learned that my colleagues have suffered worse fates, that my teacher has gone and that the mission I co-authored, one most thought to be impossible, was indeed, a bridge too far. I could blame all this on that. I could sleep. Retire. Or…..

…..Or I could soldier up. I could adhere to the one guiding principle that has supported my effort, maintained my morale and propelled my every action, sometimes, like this, despite overwhelming odds and in the face of mortal danger. When the warrior is ready evil will surely appear.

I see the abstract as plain as a biplane contrail against a deep blue sky. The universe is, once again, sending its absurdly comical message to my stubborn ego-child soul.

Regardless of the situation, the degree of danger, all the reasons behind the unfortunate series of events that has led you to this day, there is, once rendered to the base purpose of your being, your ultimate goal, and the path only you can tread, one spiritual commandment.

My eyes pop open like a toaster spitting blackened bread and I see the message across the expanse of my personal eternity. The Grand What.

"Continue Your Practice."

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