Saturday, November 17, 2012


Last Saturday in Lanzarote. I remember thinking that same thing five years ago and wondering if I would ever have the good fortune to return. I did and I did. This trip was so much different and different on so many levels. In 2007 I was, and more accurately, we were, still very much in research and development mode of the RCV product. I am fairly certain that I was an emotional wreck as well in dealing with the fallout of a failed relationship. Throw in a foreign country, lost luggage and rain on our race day parade, and my fondest memories are clouded with angst and consternation. This trip, it pleases me to say, was almost an exact opposite. With the exception of still being an emotional wreck, of course.

Having captured four complete stages, each with potential to be a terrific RCVmini (my latest brand concept) as I sit here and type early Saturday afternoon, I feel confident in both the success to date and chance for a record D2ROI. My latest video amalgam.

Days to Return on Investment. Meaning how fast a shoot will get produced, be purchased, used and promoted, and in turn, pay for its production cost, as measured in days. Any one of the four stages already in the can could look like this:

Cost of production: 5K.
Post: 1K
$6,000 divided by unit cost ($20) = 300.

Anticipating that we sell 300 on the first day of release that creates a D2ROI of 1.

Which would be real nice.

I am most confident that should we hit that bogey, I will get the green light to make another trip to Australia and orchestrate a similar scenario and hence prove the model a solid one. That is the goal.

This morning we swam the official IM course and then John and I hammered out a nice 30 out, negative split return hour run in the glorious Isola Canaris sunshine. I am greatly anticipating my return to a regular routine and the importance of getting back at it. If there is one thing that being on the road has taught, it is that consistency, as hard as it is when controllable, is even harder when duty comes calling.

As we discussed this morning over a traditional English breakfast on the beach, life can sometimes feel like we are suffering our way to wisdom.

That can help sometimes.

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