I gotta be quick today. Lot's on the table. We had a(nother) Wednesday kick-ass spin session this morning. The kids are alright. Meaning they went hard for 60. I am very proud of the many success they have orchestrated. It is work, there is effort. We get after it. This rainy morning, AC/DC, Petty, Pete Gabriel, BTO, The Raconteurs and Chrissie Hynde gave some added backbone. Got in four- twelve second max outs along with our climbs and progressive overloads. Ouch.
I mean yum.
In this case, specifically, more pain equals more gain. You gotta make it hurt a little. The rewards will manifest outside this summer. We make it hurt inside in the darkness of 0530, so that when we ride outside in the glow of the summer sun, the roses will smell sweater, the water taste cooler and the hills seem a touch flatter. Even if you don't ride outside, or race, the myriad benefits to your overall fitness is something ten degrees hotter than regular maintenance. We do this once a week in the Spring. Wednesdays we go hard. Guaranteed.
I am working on the ToC proposal. Some exciting new stuff on the table. I hope I can make the sale as I REALLY want another shot at this event. Rumor has it that it'll be the swan song for one particular cyclist from Austin, TX. I wanna be there and get it on film from a moto in the peloton. And in order to do so I need to create a revenue sharing package for the race management and event owners. No easy chore. Try pitching a pilot treatment to NBC and you'll know what it's like. But I'll give it my best effort.
After all, it IS Wednesday.
Pictured is The Road leading there.
Interesting early research associating Alzheimer's or dementia in later life with obesity in youth and middle age. Check it out here:
I'm doomed. The article said that spare tires in your 40s indicate trouble in your 70s, but no mention of what happens if you sold the spare in your 50s. Maybe there's hope. Thank the Lord I have another class in 55 minutes!!!!! Thanks for the link (and great work this morning)
The obvious question is: can obesity-associated brain damage be reversed? No one knows the answer, but I am hopeful that it can. Those two old friends, a healthful diet and plenty of exercise, have repeatedly been shown to protect the brain. Foods like oily fishes and blueberries have been shown to stimulate the growth of new neurons, for example. Moreover, one study found that dieting reversed some of the changes to brain structure found among the obese.
I still believe that I can reverse the terrible ravages that aging has done to my body. Here is another one of those articles. I thought they had all the answers long ago. Are they just saying the same things over and over. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/18/magazine/18exercise-t.html?hpw
If you can slow down the aging process, that is worth the effort to do so. Keep moving every day. Listen to what your body is saying and adjust accordingly. High intensity intervals improves your body's plumbing and ability to move oxygen and nutrients throughout your muscles, bones and nerves. Yoga develops that mind and body awareness. Weight training keeps your bones and tendons healthy. Keep your portion sizes on the small side. Get seven to eight hours of sleep routinely. And savor every minute.
I like it. Well put.
yeah, thanks Tony; reversal though is possible assuming you screwed around a lot in your 30s and 40s.
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