Happy Earth Day citizens of the Planet.
As much as I would like to think that EVERY day should be ED, we have a long way to go and some serious work to do before that day arrives. Sometimes I feel like we have made zero progress, other times I think we have actually regressed. We still pollute. We spoil. We destroy. We over consume. We exploit. We stick our collective heads in the sand and pretend these things will somehow fix themselves as the Amazon burns, the ice caps melt and the oceans of the world turn black with bloody oil. Thank God we can still blame each other for the global carnage.
Now that I have established the glass as half empty (sorry, not my MO) here are two links that indicate that there is hope. There is still time. And there are people who still care.
Here is what we should be doing as we train indoors. "The average user wants to up the resistance and test the limits and see how much they can send back," Harr said. The boss is getting a memo from my desk on this later today. I will take charge. I volunteer to set up, do the R&D, orchestrate the due dilligence and research the possibilities. You are now, Earth Day 2010, reading this from a MAN ON A MISSION. This will happen on my watch.
The second link is the Living With Ed site, some pragmatic and utilitarian ways and means to put many green ideas into play.
I sent them a intro on what we do with indoor spinning and CompuTrainer last year in the hopes of gaining some momentum with this project. Maybe it went to the spam bin. I'll try again.
In the meantime, ride your bike today and have a happy, safe and green Earth Day.
PS: Don't forget Saturday's TJ 30. Half marathon starts at 0800 from Bethany Lutheran Church on Finch Rd. We have opened it up to bikes as well. You can pace us, or ride hard and do 26.2 in the saddle as we do 13.1 in our shoes.
The photo is a plaque in the D Concourse at Sea-Tac citing The Evergreen State as host to the largest Western Red Cedar tree. Shall we try to best that? Sounds green to me, ED?
What do you think about this version of back to basics?
I like it a lot. There has never been any secret to my feelings about Nike and their dirty little secrets. This is one of them. I run barefoot whenever I am in LA on the beach and I love it. I am too much a wimp to do it here though.
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