Another road trip in the books. This one was relatively painless, as long as you toss out the extremes (two hours on the tarmac at JFK and another of those "total bliss" moments running at dawn in Albany) and focus on what we are now calling the "degree of difficulty in obtaining the necessary media on time and under budget".
At least we came back with the same amount of equipment that we left with. I am still a touch irked at myself for letting down the 24/7 security surveillance and allowing my trusty Mac G3 laptop to evolve into a walking machine, grow legs and wander off. Who the hell is reading all my stuff now? Looking at over 2K pictures (many of which you have seen on these very pages) and listening to my spin class set lists? Have they tried to hack into my (meager) bank account, access my personal data on facebook, google,, or blogger? Have they bothered to open the calendar and see that I will be in Las Vegas and St. George, Utah in two weeks? And Alaska the day after returning? Irksome, indeed.
As a result of the G3 morphing, I am still at a hardware loss for road media and communications. They will change after todays marathon session with my taxes. If I have ANYTHING left after this tedious effort, it will go towards the purchase of either,
1) A new iPad, or
2) A used G4 Macbook.
I have dome some research and am still on the bubble as to which best suits my travel needs, but either way once we end up in Vegas en route to IM St. George, we will be newly armed and creatively dangerous. Till then here are a few pix from the Tour Battenkill weekend in mid-state New York. I am also rendering some sample video clips that, with any luck, might make tomorrows post.
I seem to recall from past instructions that my 1040 needs to be postmarked by midnight two days from now, so I had better get started.
Good to be back.
Pix: Bottoms up: Aku aku with skid lid: One size fits MOST. My intrepid pilot David logged over 250 miles on Saturday, this lap as pacer for the Juniors. USPS in Colonie; This stamp's for you! Cat 3 ladies at the start line discuss the speed of pink. The Cambridge Hotel and its sweet claim to fame. Now wonder there is no vacancy.
My GAWD does that modular helmet do wonders for my look. lol Thanks for the acknowledgement. I look forward to you video clips. It was such a fun day.
Good luck with Uncle Sam. Maybe the loss you can claim for the walking laptop will help. No, not till next year.
Keep that adrenalin flowing.
Adrenalin is flowing as I try to decipher some of these changes to the tax code. Grrrrrrrr. Video is rendering. Check in mail. Thanks again, see you in California.
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