Doesn't seem like a year. We shot the Ironman St. George bike course one year ago in order to allow athletes to ride to the RCV and see, as well as feel, what they were going to be facing come May 1, 2010. That is now less than 40 hours away.
In case you're wondering, I am back for a second take on this because, as good as the initial RCV is, it is still lacking the one component that we have unquestioningly found to be a key element to the RCV success, putting athletes in the POV.
So I get to sit on a motorcycle and try not to get blown off (guessing to 30 this afternoon-and the drive from Vegas on I-15 nearly blew my little red Kia into Arizona three times), in order to deliver the RCV standard that you have come to expect.
Had just enough time to meet up with Simon at the CT booth, get credentialed, hook up with Roch and Paul (I got an earful from Mr. Frey as it seems that an athlete in Oceanside thought that I was blocking her line through a turn and let him know about it), set a meeting with the moto captain and get checked in at the inn.
Where I now sit writing to you.
Let's recap the day.
0443 Shuttle
0520 Ferry
0615 Light rail
0750 Flight to Vegas
1000 Pick up rental car (Boycott Payless)
Drive 120 miles to St. George
Check in.
Going to get something to eat. And maybe even a Guinness in honor of St. George.
Cirrucumulus clouds over Seattle at 10,000 feet.
The world famous Simon Butterworth shows off the CompuTrainer St.George Real Course Video spin scan display function (!) to an admirer.
Initial descent into Lost Wages, NV.
Top Pot logo from the Alaska Airlines on-board magazine. I like it.
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