Tuesday, March 12, 2019

EV Risotto

The plot, like good risotto, thickens. Once the decision has been made, no matter the drama, degree of difficulty or seeming implausibility of the assembly of ingredients, their cost or the incredible amount of time and energy required for success, one, whether cook, mechanic or adventurer, sets about the work. 

The part of this scenario that never ceases to amaze me, is what happens once the plan is hatched, launched, teed up or kicked off. The process begun, mysterious, unexpected and sometimes amazing bits and pieces of the bigger picture start to appears as if laying in wait. Like getting called out of the Union Hall by name, ‘no we don’t want any journeyman finish carpenter, we want Joe.’ 

Things, a horrible proxy for energy, inspiration, motivation, passion, vision and the willingness to move intrepidly into the deep unknown, all seem to drop from the sky onto a predestined landing pad. Providing the chef, wrench or entrepreneur with a continuing opportunity for improvisation. One must be prepared to juggle these random gratuities from the cosmos for not only the short term (dinner) but satisfy the larger picture as well (successful execution of master plan). 

I would not blame you one bit if you were, at this point, to wonder where we are headed on today’s magical mystery tour. So I will confess that I am not sure. Yet. I know what I would like to explore, so let’s get there first and course correct after lunch. We start with a rusted out Model T from Roberts, Montana. 

You will no doubt recall that I have launched a(other) project. This one of potential so great that I needed to call it, somehow, epic. Hence the 2019 Epic Ride, a snappy 1,600 mile cycling tour along the Pacific Coast from, roughly, Seattle to LA. In 21 days. Supported. 

With the trinity of onion, celery and carrots creating the base, and garlic, mushroom and black pepper as savory frills cooking, I start looking for a suitable support vehicle that I could offer to a sponsor as a rolling billboard (we call it a wrap) promoting a product, brand or service. Down and back, around 4,000 miles with maybe 20,000 total views. If we could design a campaign offering a number to call, website to visit or hashtag to tweet, all pointing to a giveaway contest, we might get some nibbles. Maybe even land a big fish and have the sponsor cover the complete cost of the campaign. Whoa! Hand me the big spoon June, the rice need a stirrin. 

I found a couple of perfect rigs, outfitted, built and ready for vinyl and was ready to spend a full day test driving and negotiating when, like finding Portabellos suddenly and freshly on-sale, I had this thought:

If we are cycling the coast, burning zero fossil fuels, why the heck should our SAG emit unnecessary create carbon pollution? Why not go EV? Are there hybrid or total electric vans available? What is out there?

Come to find out that there is a minor glut on the used EV marketplace mostly due to the one-time tax break and many folks choosing to lease the current fleet of eco-friendly rides. BMW and Honda are rolling out a new line of vans, utility vehicles and small trucks in, hold my vino rosso, 2020. Next year.

So guess who is going to get a call from this focused, passionate and motivated tour guide? I am on it. 

Right after dinner.  

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