We have two spots open for this afternoons CT ride. Tony and Clo are in, but riding as a pair right now. Ride time is 1630, course is 10 miles. If you are interested, just let me know and be ready to attack. This afternoon's TT will be followed at 1830 by the usual HoM one-hour evening spin, for those of you who prefer to rate your workout based on perception rather than reality. My editorial footnote in this regard can be summed in two words: Watts wins!
We'll go again on Friday at 1630, where I might even step out from behind the curtain and take a spin, if space allows. And then….
…on Saturday, we really open it up.
0730-0900: The Saturday 90, AND THEN
At 1630 we'll pilot the CTs to actual race footage of the Ironman World Championships and see how many miles we can log with this entertainment on the big screen for another 90 minutes. To be as fair as possible we initiated a lottery on Monday and quickly filled all four CT spots, but it is NOT TOO LATE to enter (the lottery). Winners names will be drawn Friday evening after the TT. Runner's up get to ride a LeMond Revmaster. You could do worse. Arrow down to the Post a Comment tab and let me know if you are interested. Which you should be. Duh.
Speaking of the video entertainment, I am relentlessly compiling the vid as we speak. It should be fun. We start at mile 35, do the windy climb to Hawi, turn and ride back, all in 90 minutes. Personally, I am going to try to log 35 miles in the event (assuming I win a lottery spot). There is a bogey for ya, just in case motivation is your motivation.
And don't forget about the cool coffee mugs as prizes. All for now, back to the video Kung-Fu.
Pic is from the opening sequence. Just a couple of big mouths in debate on the Big Island. Probably Perception versus Reality. Scary.
I'm willing to take my chances in the lottery for Saturday but not sure I want the guilt of bumping someone...can you hookup a fifth CT to your multi-rider setup?
No guilt!! YES, we can accommodate up to eight units, I forgot about yours, by all means, we can hook it up, space becomes an issue, but we can make it work. Lemme know.
Except that I will need an eight port usb hub, might you have such an animal laying around?
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