As 'discussed' this morning in the HoM, we might as well hit the ground running as we prep for that inevitability now but a handful of days away. 2012 is all but upon us (regardless of the length of the days 'tween here and then). I think we should start to bring our New Year's resolutions into sharp focus. Because that is the only way we are going to have any success with them. If they are to come about we will need to, first and foremost, have a crystal clear vision of what they are. We need to SEE them manifest. In mine (particularly boring and pedestrian) I should be able to, on demand, see myself riding strong and running fast in Penticton. Further, in preparation and practice, aka training and testing, I should practice riding strong and test running fast. Time, speed, distance, power, endurance, nutrition. And a wake up call at 0300 August 26th. That is my visualization. A PR. That is my goal. The fun is in the journey towards it. The Road. If I am able to sustain the upward arc of training for another seven months, race day will be icing in the cake. In other words, my goal is achieved as a result of the many quality sessions, steps along the way, that I took every day prior to race day. One foot after another. In relentless pursuit. Running down a dream.
Which is a perfect segue to the theme of today's post: The best way to make your 2012 NYRez work. But first, please allow me the first amendment freedom to say this: About 99.9% of the stuff I bloggingly bloviate upon here is intel prop I have lifted from others. There is alarmingly little original thought here. I am a shameless thief when it comes to using ideas, concepts, protocols, practices, phrasings, cliches, plans, solutions and cautionary tales from those that have gone before. All of that seemingly randomness needs only to meet one criteria: That it makes me think about them. To match with existing. To use as fodder for further testing. As grist for this mill. I am especially fond of mixing and matching, stacking synergies. You might say I am the Reese's Peanut Butter of triathlon. I will use whatever tools available in a sometimes improbable manner in the attempt to achieve the impossible. It says so right there on the label, so its gotta be true. OK, back to the ways and means, there are only two steps that one needs to execute to achieve one's goals. They are (chronologically):
There. Now that you have been hit square between the eyes by that lightning bolt of illumination we can get to work. Because work is where the fun is. Because work is the road. Because there is suffering along the way (you though this was going to be easy?) and because you have a support group ready, at your beck and call, to assist. And assist we will, much like any good team, to get you to the finish line. All you have to do over the course of the next ten days is go deep into your soul and ask some questions. Do a little Q&A with your heart of hearts. What do you REALLY want for yourself in 2012? As I scoffed this morning, money, fame, fortune, new cars and bigger boats I can't (or won't) help ya with. But if your want healthier, happier, fitter and faster I can. And will. Define what you want. See you as it. How does it feel? Nice. One more thought: The degree of satisfaction upon completion of said goal is in direct relation to the degree of suffering extended along the road. It HAS to have meaning and it HAS to be something of value. Bigger the better.
Please prepare to engage. There is no stopping us now.
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