It was Friday afternoon at the Timberman Expo. Jim was up in the big white tent getting himself registered for Sunday's main event so I was holding down the CT fort in his absence. Got into a long and detailed discussion about internet racing, APIs, software apps, and of course, our favorite RCVs with a young triathlete from Boston. In the middle of he discourse three others join us, all wearing Red Sox caps and seemingly intrigued by the logistics of RCV race day capture. My personal favorite, Ironman Canada, was on screen and one of the guys from Boston asked how we get so close to the action.
Shot IMC on a 50c scooter, I replied, almost six hours, all 112 miles, between rain squalls. I am pretty sure that 90% of the 1,800 participants that year (2008) are seen at one time or another in the video. It was a long day, but fun, and as you can see, very rewarding.
Do you shoot all the events on a scooter?
No, each race has different logistics, demands and limitations. Tomorrow, as an example, tipping my hand that I will be out there filming THEM, I don't even know what type of a moto I will be on, and this doesn't worry me in the least because over the course of three years we have developed a universal moto mount, camera stabilizer rig that works great in almost all conditions, on almost every type of bike. All I need to do is make the arrangements, be ready, meet my pilot, and away we go.
One of the guys obviously a cyclist himself, asked about BMWs. Smoothest on the road. I tell a quick story about Australia atop an 1150 in the rain. How about a Ducati? Scary fast is my reply, with the hair raising story about Switzerland. Gold Wings? Too many times, cozy, great for the back, safe and secure, but BIG. I relay the tale about the trike in Tuscaloosa.
How about a Holly? Asked the gal of the group.
A Holly?
Yeah, ever been on a Holly?
Ugh, I don't think so, scratching my head.
Snickers start emulating from the crowd.
Don't think so, what are they?
Oh, a Harley.
Yeah, a Holly.
Many times, yes, many times. Good bikes, duh. Solid. Loud and stylish. With a seat riser, almost perfect for filming. And all of 'em faster than my ca.
I had to chuckle when I met my pilot Saturday morning at 0630.
Nice Holly.
Hey, thanks, you from Boston?
Pix: The CT booth with Russ, Jim and a longtime CT fan from Boston. The obligatory RCV bumper sticker with Massachusetts plates. It's a rental (Enterprise), I live in Seattle.
I spent summers swimming in Lake Winnie, playing pinball on Weirs Beach (where all the Hahh-ley riders hang out). Just roll your Rs into Hs and no one will think you're re-tahh-ded. Enjoy Norge.
I thought it was tough in Boston....until we landed in Oslo. I need to wear a sign around my neck...please talk slow.
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