Thursday, July 15, 2010

Big Move: New Space

Big move today. Out of the converted closet and into the new studio. It has taken awhile. A quick search revels that we were framing wayyyy back in December of 2008. I might be getting slow. But it is all paid for, and I owe no contractor or craftsman interest inflated payments. And know what? I kinda like the space. Brother Michael, a superb carpenter with a keen eye for perfection, says it's my best work to date. I consider this to be a huge compliment, and while I had to struggle to cover the usual mistakes, I think this will make all the RCV editing and subsequent video production a lot more tolerable.

So we have made the world a little better today. We also took advantage of the move to upgrade my OS. Now running with Leopards. There are tons of details left but the Phase I move has been accomplished.

As I sit and upgrade report to you I am looking at the photo of the roughed in window taken back in the 12.08 post and now looking out the finished portal listening to some sweet Charlie Hunter jazz. It is a summer afternoon, the sun shimmering a reflective green off the maples and giant ferns.

Through Frankies rhododendrons I can still see the sun dance on the sound.

Big move made and life is grand.