Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fail Often

Failure isn't an option…it is a necessity. 

Mistakes don't make you look foolish -- but acting like you are a born expert at everything certainly will. 

I really like those two juicy quotes, cut from the article entitled, Give Yourself Permission to Screw Up

Additionally, take it from me, the undisputed King of the Screw Up, this sage advice is fit for royalty. 

I mentioned it to one of our spinners this morning and he countered with a anecdote on the subject that illustrates its valuable moral. 

"Guy loses one million bucks as head of R&D for Company X. Devastated and dejected he crawls into the office of the CEO to tender his resignation, filled with sorrow over his failure. CEO says to him, 'Failure, what failure? I just paid for your education.' 

I have no proof, but I suspect a similar situation takes place every day with many of us. We can't seem to get past the failure issue. One workout missed, one opportunity lost, one meal too rich with saturated fat does not a failure make. Failure is the systematic and chronic repetition of bad habits, reinforced by our softening of self respect as we sink into whatever comfort we find in the non-action of our lazy awareness. We KNOW we need to exercise. We KNOW we need to better regulate our diet and we KNOW we need to manage our stress with more grace and less grape. 

But we don't act upon this awareness the right way. We hide. We concoct absolutely brilliant excuses. We blame others. Or the former administration. Or our lousy genetics. We dummy down and become easy prey to the marketeers of the Gadgets of Mass Distraction. 

So fail often my friends. Fail to do your best today and vow to try it again tomorrow. Fail to hold 400 watts for ten minutes. Fail to use that 2 for 1 coupon for Big Macs. Fail to give up. 

If we are going to grow, to evolve, to achieve and to master, there is going to be a definitive time and place where this chasm is leaped in a single bound. Should you fail, do not fret, there is a built-in cosmic safety net awaiting your falling carcass. You then have the option to try again and succeed, or try again, and fail again. The net awaits with saintly patience. 

JUMP. Fail. Fall. Repeat. 

This is your education. Graduate with honors. 

Fail often. 

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