Monday, June 18, 2012

Think Kona

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought."

This being the case (according to the Buddha), it seems to make senses that we should think in positive terms, eh? That we undertake endeavors that provide us with confidence, courage and compassion. Can you imagine spending even a day at something that fails at this? If we are what we think, let's think ourselves into (pick one) winners, champions, leaders, healers, teachers, artists, poets, craftsmen, designers, volunteers, story tellers. Or whatever it is that lifts your spirit and creates harmony and joy. At the very least, let's think ourselves into being happy. THAT is the starting point from which everything else falls into place. Then, with a pinch of gratitude, we think, "I am so grateful for being able to do this." Whatever the subject matter. Running, riding, swimming, singing, travel, touch. 

After an incredible weekend of wanderlust and adventure, I returned to the relative security (familiarity?) of my cabin Saturday night, turbo charged with a new octane mix. Our 100 mile ride on the same course on which we will race come IM Canada on August 26, produced an interesting mental response. It wasn't that we rode fast, and it wasn't that we rode hard. It was that we rode with great confidence. I have never felt stronger, more at ease with the demands, more in control. I was thinking as the day wound down, near the apex of Yellow Lake, that I might have finally reached the next level, the one I have been working towards for a long time now. And that singular thought was like a jolt of caffeine, suddenly my cadence increased, my heart pumped more blood, my legs felt light and tight, ready to rock. All as a result of one thought. I was playing out, riding up, standing down the results of my thought process. It was a marvelous and magical moment and, naturally, my NEXT thought was to wonder if the same results are available with this technique all the time, any time. 

And another round of testing in training begins. To what degree does this work? Can it, through practice, be enhanced, used as a race day tool, much like a solid nutrition plan? If indeed, I am what I think I am, can I think myself to the top? Over the top?

Confidence is an important factor to success. Confidence comes with proper preparation and consistent training. All of these create feelings of readiness, anticipation, balance. This has, of course, other, not so kind, aliases: Cockiness, bravado, swagger. You see them manifest in champions, before during and after the battle. There is confidence. It may be subtle and quiet or it may be brash and loud. But it all comes about as a result of thoughts about self. I can do this. I will do this. I do this. How we share this power is simply us on the world's stage, scope and style being the major difference between Shakespeare and Seinfield

Think you can and you're right, think you can't and your right too. 

Think yourself happy.
Think yourself grateful,
Think yourself capable,
Think yourself powerful. 

Pix: Bob uses the power of light to climb Yellow Lake. My goals are public, they are even worn on my jersey as a constant reminder: Think Kona. Jersey compliments of BI Cycles of Bainbridge Island, WA. 

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