Saturday, May 9, 2009

TTSB The Vid

Here is the first cut of the Trek Travel Santa Barbara Wine Country tour video. For historical perspective I have also embedded an incredible clip on the making of the Rattle and Hum documentary. The cover version is by some old pals of mine from LA who are currently gigging around Venice, my old stomping grounds about 90 minutes south of where the bulk of the TTSBWCRCV was shot last week. I think it fits pretty nice.

Condolences to all the folks in Santa Barbara who were, or still are, beating back the flames. I wish I truly had the power to send down some of our Seattle rain to ya'll.


ej said...

Good filming and set up. I want to go on one of those trips. Do all these people spin too? By the way, you should tell your classes what happens when a 50 something quits working out for even 4 days.

KML5 said...

Interestingly enough, one of the group riders, Mark from Illinois, has been a CompuTrainer user since the Nintendo days (many moon ago) and Tracy the blond gal who says that she can't wait to get back and show off all their photos, teaches spin classes in Florida. Both are very fit strong and experienced riders. It pays off. That is the whole idea from our POV, to provide tools so that you show up READY TO ROCK not sink like one. BTW, Trek Travel leads 'local' trips of the Oregon Coast and San Juan Islands as well as Italy and OZ, should you be interested. Thanks for your comments.