Monday, May 26, 2008

King Pyrrhus

This is sweet.

As you know, I have been unraveling a thread, connecting some seemingly random dots, to make sense of our current global plight. At its most banal, I could have heeded the advice of Deep Throat to "follow the money", but I suspected that after all this time and water under the bridge, that the Presidents Men would have wised up by now and learned how to cover their tracks a little better. And they did. It has taken us a LONG time to get to the heart of the matter. Billions of dollars have been cleverly diverted into the sheltered off-shore accounts of an elite few. The cost to the planet and its innocent inhabitants? War, famine, pollution, cancer, crime, imprisonment, taxation, and a dramatic loss of basic liberties. We have been lied to, cheated, swindled, abused, exploited, murdered and maimed. The military industrial complex has won.

A Pyrrhic Victory.

King Pyrrhus of Epirus (now Greece and Albania) after a small skirmish with the Romans commented, "another victory like this and we are ruined". That sentiment is an emphatic historical metaphor regarding the most stunning bit of news (that hasn't yet made it to the mainstream) I have seen in twenty years. Can I repeat that? THE MOST STUNNING BIT OF NEWS IN THE LAST TWENTY YEARS.

In connecting the aforementioned dots, the plethora of rendered research pointed to two culprits, (besides George and Dick): SHAREHOLDERS and WALL STREET. Remember, we are following the money here. The lines between those dots suddenly is looking like double yellow florescent street paint, with arrows. So imagine my surprise and absolute elation this morning when I came across this column in the Seattle Times:

Hurray for us!! And I don't care (today) that the victory was less about "tree hugger ideology" than business profits. Fact of the matter is, that this is exactly what needs to happen for global change (consciousness) to slowly climb the branches and take a look at the view from the top of the trees. Whoa, there's a forest here!!!!!

Considering the complexity, importance and monumental challenge in this fight, even a Pyrrhic Victory is huge.

For everybody.

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